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  • Writer's pictureBrownHippieChick

WoVen (A Womens Veteran Network)

The eight-point Veteran’s Creed is:

1. I am an American Veteran

2. I proudly served my country

3. I live the values I learned in the military

4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans

5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline

6. I continue to lead and improve

7. I make a difference

8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

Honor, duty, loyalty, courage, bravery, sacrifice and so much more comes to mind when you think of female Veterans. It was hard for me to keep up with all those things when I departed from the military. When I first got out of the military I felt as though I did not belong with the exception of my family. I had spent the last seven years being apart of something that when the time had come for me to get out I was unsure of the unknown. I obviously knew there were other female Veterans out there however I never took the initiative to research and find them. When I got out I went into a dark place because I felt as though in the career field the rug had been swept from under me and it made feel as though I was worthless because I had a lot of time and nothing to do with it.

I say all that to say this about a year ago I found this amazing group of women Veterans by the name of WoVen. It was all a coincidence really because I was talking with my husband and was like hey I want to do some kind of volunteer work with Veterans. It just so happened I went on Facebook and put in the search bar Veterans and tada there popped up WoVen. Next thing I know I went in to register for the meetings they hold and lucky me I got in and I was in the first group for the Killeen chapter here in Texas.

On the way to the meeting I was very nervous almost on the verge of an anxiety attack because I thought these women were going to be like the women I have came across in the service, that is judging me before getting to know me always keeping drama and all the stuff most Army females do however when I arrived to the meeting I was welcomed with open arms and I was overjoyed by the amount of love these ladies had for one another.

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.” —Ayn Rand

Sadly COVID hit and we did not get to finish the eight week course but my peer leader encouraged me to keep it going and go for a peer leader position and I’m so elated that I did because this journey has been amazing. As a peer leader you go through virtual training with an amazing team of women. We train we dance we laugh we eat and we just have the best time. It’s so fun when the second day of training (also the last day) comes you don’t want it to end because that is just how magnetic their personalities are.

As you finish your peer leaders course you move onto conducting your own virtual meetings and meeting even more wonderful ladies. Let me tell you we have the time of our lives and we learn so much about one another that it’s impossible for you not to become friends.

Now believe me there is more to WoVen than just meetings we have conferences, luncheon and much more but as I stated before due to COVID some things have been put on pause of course. I cannot wait until we get to meet up and do conferences so I can see my sisters and give them the love they deserve.

“A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.” —Nancy Rathburn

WoVen is truly a sisterhood it puts you right back in the place and give you that feeling you had when you served. I couldn’t be more happier that I found this group of women and every single one them from the directors all the way down to the members have beautiful souls and the most astounding personalities. I have never been so proud to be a female Veteran until I found this group of women. I honestly celebrate everyday like it is Veterans Day because these ladies give me the strength, courage and confidence to do so.

To inquire more about WoVen and our mission click the link below:

After all is said and done, more is said than done....

Thank you to all who have read this and please go LIKE... SUBSCRIBE... and FOLLOW! I guarantee you a good read if you do so. As always, I wish you all love 🖤, peace✌🏽, and much much much happiness😀



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