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And Ayah Makes Five

March 9th felt just like any other day. My husband and I got up and ready for our OB and sonogram appointment. We were about three weeks out from our due date and of course we were excited because I mean a little baby was on her way. We get to the doctors office and we go in for the sonogram first. The technician was calm cool and collected as she was checking in on the baby's weight double checking her sex and the size of her head. She never expressed any concern. As she finished up she sent my husband and I back to the waiting room and before we could even sit down the nurse calls us to the back. As the nurse takes my vitals she ask if Im in pain and if so give her a number from 1-10. I told her yes and I shouted out 9 because I had been having a lot of pelvic pain. The nurse says okay and leaves to go get the doctor she also walked out as calm cool and collected as well. A few seconds later the doctor walks in and she goes okay so who's ready to have a baby today. My husband and I were like wait what?

The doctor proceeded to tell my husband and I that while she and the technician was looking at the sonogram our baby head size was a little abnormal and that was weird because throughout the pregnancy her head has been measuring normal. She then told us that her nurse hurried and told her that I was in pain and that it was in my pelvic area. She told us that the baby head was measuring abnormal because it was stuck in my pelvic bone and my fluids were super low and that she would have to come ASAP. I was like WTF cause in no way was I ready or had planned on having a baby that day. She tried to make it seems as though it was nothing to panic about but you can't tell someone oh your baby head is stuck in your pelvic bone and your fluid levels are low so you need to have the baby today and expect not just a little bit of panic.

Fast forward I go home and get my pregnancy bag eat and take a shower and then my husband and I head to the hospital to check in at around 12:30 in the afternoon. I get checked in and they give me a COVID test of course and they begin to hook me and baby up to the monitors and what not.

In the beginning they were waiting to see if my water would break on its on so they had us wait for about 4 to 5 hours. On the last waited hour nothing happened so my doctor decided to come and bre

ak my water. She was very quick and very precise. After she broke my water it took no time for the contractions to get more intense and the baby ready to come. I would say I was in labor for about 3 hours and she was here by the fourth hour.

Although she it started as a panic she came so quick that we had forgotten about all of what happened earlier that day. Welcome to the world Ayah Nevaeh you have made the Keaton family complete.

Being that everything happened so fast and the doctor and nurse worked so fast and I had no epidural I didn't get to take pictures like I wanted because for one I was very exhausted. I never felt that type of exhaustion before EVER. I had her a cute little outfit me a cute little outfit but like I said it just didn't happen however I will make up for it later.

After all is said and done, more is said than done....

Thank you to all who have read this and please go LIKE... SUBSCRIBE... and FOLLOW! I guarantee you a good read if you do so. As always, I wish you all love 🖤, peace✌🏽, and much much much happiness😀



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